Friday, August 17, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday August 17, 2012

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7 Quick Takes - where you get subjected to a bunch of pictures of our vacation last week!  The first part was a "stay-cation" where we did some fun things around our area.  One day we went down to one of Chicago's excellent museums, the Museum of Science and Industry.  We got a membership there for Christmas and were excited because we got my husband got to come along with us.  If you ever get a chance to visit museums in Chicago, you should take advantage of it. 

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We spent a lot of time in the weather section of the museum playing with vortexes (wow, is that a word?) know...where lies and falsehoods are exposed...anyhow here are some cool pictures of the kids.

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Here's Ms 16 yo playing River Song...for you Dr. Who fans out there.

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We then moved on to Michigan where some family members have a house on a lake.  The girls made me take this picture because they were all jealous of how nicely Ms 13 yo's hair blew in the wind.  Anyhow, the irony of this part of the trip is that we spent two weeks this summer sweating profusely without our air conditioning and now that we had access to a lake and boat, the weather on the first day and a half was cold and rainy.  Fortunately the next two days were sunny.
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One night we went out for a boat ride and the sky was so cool looking.  The sun was setting and the clouds were moving in and it created this awesome skyline.  I couldn't wait to get up closer to the houses to take some pictures because the lighting was a photographers dream, but then my battery died.  I couldn't believe that I hadn't checked it before we left.

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Here's a picture of Mr 12 yo while he was up on skis for the first time.  It lasted all of about 2 seconds but he is the first child of ours to get up so we were ecstatic!!!

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The neighbors had this really cool mat that floated on the water and it stayed up no matter how many people you put on it.  They all had a great time trying to walk on it and knock each other off.  The nice thing was that it was very easy to get back up on.  Overall it was a great week and now we are back to the reality of school looming right around the corner.  Have a great weekend!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!