Friday, May 9, 2014

7 Quick Takes - The Outdoor Version

This has been a long time in coming - school on the patio.  What a glorious morning to sit outside and study our Classically Catholic Memory.  (In looking at this photo again, I just want to assure you that the Blessed Mother does not have red ears sticking out of her head.  It is our very worn and feeble crown of fake red roses.  I really do need to replace that one of these years.)  

Oh, and outside is also a great place to read your copy of "Something Other Than God", by Jen :)  (Come on banana suit!!  see Jen's QTs)
Since it was such a nice day today, I decided to take a stroll around and check out the various fruit trees.  Well, in reality, it all started when I looked up at our locust trees and realized there are hardly any buds open and it is already into May.

Maybe they're afraid winter isn't really gone for good?

Then I got to thinking about the incredible apple and pear crop we had last year and wondered how the wonderful weather of this past winter is going to effect them.  There's a few blossoms on the apple trees, but not too many yet.

Next we move on to one of our pear trees.  This particular tree had some awesome tasting pears last year so I'm really hoping for a bumper crop again.  

I don't know the first thing about grapes and their vines, so it excites me every year that they just keep coming back.  These grapes are awesome and make some pretty delicious grape jelly.

We sure do know how to grow us some dandy-lions, too!  Now if only I found them a delicacy.  Also notice the brown on the front of the bushes.  All of our bushes suffered this fate due to our harsh winter.  Hopefully we don't lose anymore of the plants than what is already dead.  Time will tell, I suppose.

 And out last stop on the outdoor tour is a plant that Ms 22 yo brought home from an event they had a few weeks ago at school.  It was mighty pretty when she brought it home so I stuck it outside, near the house in case it got cold.  After a few days I set it out in the sun and then it started to die.  I had looked for one of those handy-dandy little tags that stick in the dirt to tell you what kind of plant it is and whether it likes sun or shade, but I didn't see one.  In an attempt to revive it, I moved it to another part of the yard, still in full sun.  

Yesterday, Ms 10 yo (my budding gardener) said, "Oh I see that plant likes shade."   "How do you know that?" I asked.  "It says so right on the side of the pot."  Seems I missed those big white letters that told me exactly how to take care of it.  Well I'm happy to report that some of the blooms are reviving.  All is not lost.

So anyway, have a wonderful weekend and may God shower all you mothers with abundant blessings, good time with family and a beautiful day.

God Bless! 

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