I'm starting to get notification for the various homeschool conferences that will be happening this year. Oh how I would love to be a vendor at each one of them! Unfortunately, travel expenses are higher than discretionary income will allow, so I am relegated to sending vendor bag flyers to promote my book. I wonder how many other vendors, and attendees, will be feeling the same way?
Of course there will be a Catholic homeschooling conference in my area in July, which would be perfect; the commute would be minimal and I could sleep in my own bed. Unfortunately it is the same weekend that we will be in a different state for a wedding. Ugh! Why are some things just so difficult?
In case any of you out there are country music fans, Mr 11 yo was just singing an opera version of the dumbest country song ever written and sung - "Red Solo Cup" by Toby Keith. It is, however, quite humorous when sung in an operatic voice.
We've changed our eating habits quite a bit this Lent and boy did I get an earful about it from Mr 6 yo the other day. He can't stand his clothes being too loose and since he has been exceptionally picky in his eating lately, he apparently lost a bit of weight. His rant went something along the lines of this, "See, I told you we can't eat this way. I'm too skinny to loose weight, I need to gain weight. My clothes are too big now. We need to eat the other stuff again." It was quite humorous to watch. Now, lest you think I've been starving my child, let me just assure you that I have been providing him with good quality, tasty meals which he has been choosing not to eat :) I guess he'd prefer the old white flour/white sugar routine instead!
Well we haven't gotten out to see "The Hunger Games" yet. We decided to go last weekend to see "October Baby" since that is likely to be gone a lot faster. It was a very good movie. We laughed, we cried (a lot!). The message was good and the movie was well done. I don't understand why they wrote the part of the adoptive mother the way they did, but other than that, I thought it was a great movie and I would highly recommend you go and see it before it is gone!
I was just reading a blog post about the way the world is right now and in it the author highlighted a very important thing that we should all be doing: praying the rosary daily! Do you do that with your family? We have been doing that daily (for the most part :) for a good number of years now. It is SO important at this time in history to pray the rosary. As my husband always says, "Grab your weapon!" Just thought I'd pass that message along!
It is so hard to believe that Lent is almost over. We have our final performance this weekend and then we move into Holy Week. Wow! Well, here's wishing you a very blessed Holy Week and a Joy-filled Easter!
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