Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Ninth Station

Jesus Falls the Third Time

Our Lord falls for the third time on the slope leading up to Calvary, with only forty or fifty paces between him and the summit.  Jesus can no longer stay on his feet:  his strength has failed him, and he lies on the ground in utter exhaustion.

He offered himself up because it was his will; abused and ill-treated, he opened not his mouth, as a sheep let to the slaughter, dumb as a lamb before its shearers (Is 53:7).

Everyone against him...the people of the city and those from abroad, and the Pharisees and the soldiers and the chief priests...All of them executioners.  His mother - my mother - weeps.

Jesus fulfills the will of his Father!  Poor; naked.  Generous:  what is there left for him to surrender?   Dilexit me, et tradidit semetipsum pro me (Gal 2:20), he loved me and delivered himself up unto death for me.

My God! May I hate sin and unite myself to you, taking the holy cross into my arms, so that I, in my turn, may fulfill your most lovable will...stripped of every earthly attachment, with no other goal but your glory...generously, not keeping anything back, offering myself with you in a perfect holocaust.