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So I write a unit study and in the introduction I make sure and point out that the great thing about unit studies is that you can tailor them to fit your family's needs. I even go so far as to say "However, I also don't want this structure to box anyone in." Can you believe that last week, while doing our unit study, I found that I was boxing myself in! The old me, the one that panics when it is Thursday (day 4) and we are still on day 2 activities, reared its' ugly head! Fortunately after a good slapping around, I came to my senses.
Since then, we've been taking our time and enjoying all of the activities. Who cares if it takes us 8 weeks to do a 4 week unit study (as long, of course, as we are actually involved in learning and not just screwing around :) We're taking the time to really dig into some of the great topics and also really spend time on the basics of math, grammar, spelling...you know, going back to lay that really solid foundation. So far, a great first month of school!
I would ask you all to keep the men who will be attending the Miles Christi men's retreat this weekend in your prayers. These retreats can be very fruitful, so any extra prayers are always a benefit.
Ms 7 yo sure is excited about her big sister coming home for the weekend. I know she's only been gone a week, but Ms 7 yo is making pictures for her and she even wrote in her school planner that her big sister is coming home! Very touching.
Our entire family has been taking Reliv products for the past two months and we recently became Independent Reliv Distributors. It's another business to add to our menagerie, but one that we are very excited about. We've seen great results so far with these nutritional supplements. They have given us all more energy, clearer thinking, less mood swings and in some of us, some great cognitive improvements. Hard to believe a supplement can do all that in such a short period of time, but from what I've seen and the people I've talked with, this stuff is amazing!
Therefore, with winter fast approaching, I've decided that our approach to the cold and flu season is going to be this:
Every day everyone will take: 2 Reliv shakes (one after breakfast and one before dinner), Vitamin D3 drops and probiotics. Add to that raw honey and kombucha tea on an as needed basis and I think we have the makings of a healthy winter. At least that is my plan...we'll see what happens.
Mr 5 yo came home from an outing with his dad last weekend all excited. "Mom, that man owns 1/2 the bottom of the lake," he told me. "Wow," I responded, "Who owns the top of the lake?" After a few moments of thought, he kind of slapped me on the leg and said in that 5 year old matter-of-fact voice, "God does! It's His water!" Smart boy!
Have a great weekend!