Sunday, November 28, 2010

Welcome to Advent

Here we are...the first Sunday in Advent! You would think from the picture above that I didn't know it was coming! Why is it that every year I am never prepared for the first Sunday in Advent? Why is it that at the end of the Christmas season I don't buy out all the Advent candle sets that are on clearance so that the next year we can begin Advent with a nice-looking, full set of Advent candles???

At least there is enough of the purple ones to get us through a few nights until I can hunt down some purple and pink candles. Do you realize how hard those are to find (especially if the only place you ever seem to shop is Walmart)???

Oh well, I hope this wreath is not indicative of how I am going to end up at Christmas candle short of a full wreath and totally unprepared :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pray, Hope and Don't Worry!

and have yourselves a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Do not look forward to the trials and crosses
of this life with dread and fear.
Rather, look to them with full confidence
that as they arise, God, to whom you belong,
will deliver you from them.
He has guided and guarded you
thus far in life.
Do you but hold fast to his dear hand, and
He will lead you safely through all trials.
Whenever you cannot stand,
he will carry you lovingly in his arms.
Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow.
The same Eternal Father who cares for you today
will take good care of you tomorrow
and every day of your life.
Either he will shield you from suffering or
He will give you the unfailing strength to bear it.
Be at peace then and put aside all useless thoughts,
vain dreads, and anxious imaginations.

( St. Francis de Sales)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Sounds of Sunday...

Christ the King! King of Kings! Lord of Lords!!
Incense at Mass (not really a sound, but I couldn't help listing it)
The excitement of Candy Day!
Professor Plum with the Rope in the Hall! Yahoo, I got it right!
Mr 5 yo turning the corner on his fever and vomiting!
Drinking and eating again.
Reading and writing
Drawing pictures to get ready for the big day of Thankfulness.
Grilling steaks...yummmmmm!
The mixer mixing peanut butter buddy bars
The prayers of the rosary...calling on our Blessed Mother for oh so many things
Ms 18 yo in our prayers as she readies for her first set of finals
Hopefully a full night's sleep....

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Technology and Birthdays

I just love when technology can work for good! Last week we celebrated Ms 11 yo turning into Ms 12 yo. Her big sister is away at school and couldn't be there in person so we skyped her. She had picked up some dessert from the cafeteria so that she could join us in feasting. We sang together and she watched with us as Ms 12 yo opened her presents. We took this picture so that we could have one of all the kiddos (+1 guest :) together on her birthday.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Phantom

Here is a picture (a very SMALL picture) of Ms 7 yo and Mr 5 yo with the PHANTOM. Mr 5 yo is in heaven!!! He can't wait to get bigger so he can be the Phantom one day. We went to see a college production of The Phantom of the Opera over the weekend and it was very well done. This young man had one heck of a voice!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Fun of Voting

On my way in to vote today I was thinking back to the polling place where we used to go vote. You know...small town, older men and women who know everyone and everything. The first year we went there they knew all about us - who we were, the size of our family, which house we lived in.

This time around we were at a new polling place and I was wondering if I would be met by older men and women wondering where it was exactly that I lived.

I was not disappointed!

I walked in and stated my name and the elderly lady who was looking up my ticket commented about my address. "Where is that, I wonder? I live on that road, too and I can't place this address." I tried to explain where our house is at and then figured I had to pull out the ole standby, "I live in Mr. F's house."

"Oh, yes, of course. We know all about you! You have a relative, a brother or someone that walks with Wade and John." Noticing the very perplexed look on my face, another of the ladies tries to explain, "You know, Wade over on Wade's Road, he walks with one of your relatives."

"But I don't have any relatives around here," I stated.

"Yes, it's someone...maybe an uncle or something...a real nice, happy fella, they say." At this point the light dawns.

"Where do they walk together?" I ask.

"Over at the Mall." (as a side note, my Uncle lives and walks in a town that is about 20 minutes away from me!)

"Oh, yes, that would be my Uncle."

"Well, he just tells Wade all about you and your family and how you homeschool..."

Okay...I don't know Wade...I don't know any of these ladies. It always unnerves me when I'm standing in front of a group of people and they know way more about me than I know about them. It just reminds me that even if we wanted to hide we wouldn't be able to. Someone out there, whether it be the government, or their informers - little old men and women who trade stories over coffee - knows where we are!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy All Saint's and All Soul's Day

Happy All Saints Day and All Souls Day! I really do love the month of November - filled with prayers for those who have gone before us and ending with prayers of thanksgiving for the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us.

This year we broke a long tradition of attending the All Saints Day party that our homeschool group puts on in favor of supporting the first All Hallows Eve party put on by our parish. The priests were very energetic and full of ideas, so we decided to try something new.

The fun began by trick or treating around the property, stopping at various stations where there was a person with candy and a pumpkin with a cross carved into it. Each pumpkin had a different type of cross on it. The kids heard a little bit about the history of that particular cross and then got to trick or treat.
Next, one of the priests had written skits about three different saints. The first was on St. Anthony of the Desert, the second (starring two of our girls) was about Blessed Mother Teresaand the third was a hoot of a skit about St. John Fischer and St. Thomas More.
My husband (not pictured) volunteered to be the narrator of this skit. His job was to interview the heads of the two saints. These guys were great. The bodies were even better! Haven't seen a skit quite like this before :)
There was another skit about the battle between good and evil that was pretty good, too. Our last stop was the room where Fr. Andy told the kids a "ghost" story about a priest in Italy who was visited by his dead pastor.
On our way to the Hall of the Saints, we stopped to say hello to the most beautiful Lady in the world
Then went into the Hall of Saints to play games and get even more candy. They had some fun games to play and everyone had a great time.
Upon entering the Hall, everyone got a big paper scapular and a crown - and did I mention more candy!

With time, hopefully this will all end up on my website as another page of great ideas for future Saints' parties.

Hope you have a blessed two feast days and a great month.