Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Where My Head's Been

You blink your eyes and one day turns into four.  I'm always amazed at how fast time is flying by and how little it seems we get done around here.  

A few weeks ago, on the 7th of June, we had a graduation party for Mr 13 yo.  Since Ms 11 yo's birthday is in June, we usually combine her family party with any other celebration we're having.  Here she is, 2nd from the left, all smiles on that day.

I guess it would have even been a better pic for this post if I hadn't cut off Mr 13 yo's head :)
 Now, before I get into telling you a bit about what has kept my brain occupied for the past 2 1/2 weeks, I have to say that this picture serves 2 purposes.  The first is for Ms M, the little girl on the left with the glasses.  She noticed one day that a picture of her baby sister appeared here on my blog and begged me to put one up of her because she's never been on a blog before.  Well, Ms M, here you are.  Happy to oblige :)

The second reason I chose this picture is because of Ms 11 yo's cousin who is the 2nd girl from the right with the light colored hair.  Three days after we took this picture, she landed in the PICU in critical condition due to a severe asthma attack.  She was very sick and was not brought out of sedation for an entire week.  Now it is 1 1/2 weeks after that and she is doing well. She is very weak still and has  a long recovery ahead of her, but she is alive and we all got to witness some miraculous events along the way.

I was particularly praying through the intercession of Archbishop Fulton Sheen for her complete recovery.  After all, the miracle count for his canonization begins from scratch now, so why not have her be his miracle?

Like I said, she's doing better but still has a ways to go to being the vibrant, active girl she was in this picture.  Will you join me in praying, through the intercession of AB Sheen, for her complete recovery?

You can find a suitable prayer here.

God Bless!