On that note, I would like to encourage you to check out Mark Mallet's post for today. He talks about this in a very comforting way. Whatever is coming, it won't be easy, but if we anchor ourselves properly, we will triumph.

"If museums never let the people touch their most cherished exhibits (just try touching the Mona Lisa, the Hope Diamond or the Declaration of Independence without prior permission!), and if armies of security never let the people touch their Presidents...why do some people still think they may touch the Eucharistic Jesus, our God and our Savior, without such a permission and privilege having been bestowed upon them by the Church and thereby through the Holy Spirit?...When the Consecrated Host is touched by the general public then subconsciously it becomes denigrated to the level of another general blessed thing or object."
"God's Holy Church needs truly holy and not somewhat holy men! The tide of ruin is stronger than the mediocre, so how should it be conquered by mediocrity?"
I usually end with a funny comment but I wanted to take a minute and share my feelings from this weekend. Divine mercy was incredible. I wish we could celebrate this feast everyday. I Prayed for Emily all thru mass. I talked to Jesus and realized, although we have a long road ahead of us, I definitely felt a renewed sense of purpose after this weekend. Emily is suffering for all of us. We are blessed to be a part of it. Jesus chose Emily's heart to take refuge in. He has given her a mission. How lucky for all of us that we get to share in this mission. Everytime you write, pray, think, or talk about Emily you become a part of our lives. So many of you have written to us. Sent her gifts. Prayed. Shared these updates with others.
I believe we are changed by Emily. She is changing us each day she fights. Is she fighting for her life or ours?? Emily's cancer has become a gift of love. Bringing so many of us together. Friends reunited and new friends being made.
I just get to hold her and believe.
But how is Calvary made visible? Where shall we find Calvary perpetuated?
We shall find Calvary renewed, reenacted, represented... in the Mass.
Calvary is one with the Mass, and the Mass is one with Calvary, for in both
there is the same Priest and Victim. The Seven Last Words are like the
seven parts of the Mass. And just as there are seven notes in music
admitting an infinite variety of harmonies and combinations, so too on the
cross there are seven divine notes, which the dying Christ rang down the
centuries, all of which combine to form the beautiful harmony of the
world's redemption.
Here's an update on the ND controversy, taken from Sheila's blog:
Poem to Christ Crucified
by Caryll Houselander
There He hangs—pale figure
pinned against the wood.
God grant that I could love Him
as I really know I should.
I draw a little closer
to share that Love divine
and almost hear Him whisper
“Ah foolish child of Mine!
“If I should now embrace you,
My hands would stain you red.
And if I leaned to whisper
the Thorns would pierce your head.
And then I knew in silence
that love demands a price
‘Twas then I learned that suffering
is but the Kiss of Christ.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is inviting public comment on a proposal to rescind an important federal regulation issued in December. The regulation implements and enforces three federal laws protecting the conscience rights of health care providers, especially those at risk of being discriminated against because of their moral or religious objection to abortion.If you would like to send an email to the Department of Health and Human Services, you can go to this page of the USCCB website. The email is mostly composed for you; you can add your own thoughts if you would like. When you are done, it will be emailed to HHS. This is fast and easy to do, so I URGE you to take a moment now and do it!
The Catholic community must speak out to protect Catholic doctors, nurses and hospitals.