So as I begin thinking about next year, I began to dread one thing in particular. Maybe that's why I haven't been able to do anything yet. You know the subject I am talking about. Go on...say that four letter word.... MATH!
I have tried almost every math program under the sun to no avail. No matter what I try, my kids hate math. They dread math. They drag it out as long as they possibly can (which makes no sense to me). They cry, they wine...well that's enough, I'm sure you get the picture.
I really like the Life of Fred books. I have two that are supposed to be starting the Beginning Algebra books. I was looking forward to it, but they are not. I have two who will be doing the division book in Math U See. I think we'll have to brush up on our multiplication facts, first! I have one who will just be starting math, maybe I can do something different with her so that she enjoys it. Problem is, I'm not sure where I went wrong with the others! Ms 17 yo, well, we're not quite sure what we're going to do with her.
So there you have it, the reason why I've been stumped when it comes to even thinking about the upcoming school year, which should technically be starting next month *shivers uncontrollably*. I've asked for help before and people either commiserate with me (which is fine, but not very helpful) or suggest I play math games or bake things (all of which we do). The one suggestion I've gotten that I haven't implemented yet is bribery. I think I may just resort to that this year.
Any suggestions???

DITTO!!!!!!!! (We do like Teaching Textbooks, Laura.) Also, 10 minutes of math facts a day works great!
ReplyDeleteI hated math from kindergarten all the way through college. Still managed to eek out an A in both college math courses, and seem to be doing OK in my adult life.
ReplyDeleteMaybe there is something you could do to help them enjoy it more, but I wouldn't know. I don't know your family. But I don't think their entire lives will be ruined if there is one subject they just don't like.
Also, Laura, I'm sure you probably tried Abeka Math, but I know a few families that really like it (at least the parents do).
ReplyDeleteNone of my four children enjoyed math either. We did managed with much reluctance, however, to make our way up through geometry and trig, but that was all. If it gives you any encouragement, all my kids went on to college and did well in their studies. Today one is a registered nurse, an archeologist, a copy writer, and a mechanic. There is hope, but just like our unfavorite daily chores, some subjects kids just have to do, whether they like it or not:)
Thank you all for your comments. I am all for making the kids persevere even if they don't like something. In fact, I'm sure they can all recite that speech from memory for how often they hear it!
ReplyDeleteWhat is getting to me more is how much time the math eats up in our day and how their attitude about it can put a damper on the rest of our activities. I try to use the "just suck it up and deal with it because it is going to be a part of your life for a long time" approach, but so far it hasn't worked at making the daily grind of math any easier for us to get through.
Thanks for all of your insights and God Bless.