The first thing I'd like to draw your attention to is The Goat Milk Soap Shop!
Our all-natural soaps smell great and people really love the fact that they are all-natural and feel and smell so good when you use them. This time around, however, buying our soap isn't just good for you and the people you're giving it to, but your purchase can help us to make a donation to the Saint Gianna Molla Shrine fund that our parish has. We are building a pro-life, national shrine dedicated to St. Gianna as a place for people to come and pray and find peace and healing, especially those suffering from the effects of abortion. We will be donating the proceeds from all sales between now and January 1, 2014 to the Shrine. Won't you please consider helping out?
Next, is there a homeschooling mom on your list that is struggling with being organized? Is she wanting a better prayer life or a more organized meal or chore schedule? Why not get her a copy of "A Plan for Joy in the Home"? It is a gift that benefits everyone :)
Don't forget that you can order Mystic Monk coffee from the image on my sidebar. That coffee is good all year long, but a definite treat for Christmas time!
Have any music lovers on your list?

Friends of ours put out this CD not too long ago and it would be a great gift for the people in your life who like peaceful, beautiful music. You can order it from their website!
And finally, don't forget our friends over at Holy Heroes! They have so many great gifts for kids this Christmas season. We've loved what we've gotten so far, so why not check them out here.
Hope this helps you in your Christmas gift-giving discernment. Just for disclosure purposes, there is one affiliate link, two items that are my own and two that I just want to promote because I like them!
God Bless!