Monday, October 12, 2009

It's a Miracle!

As much as I am not a fan of Face Book so far, today it has been a blessing. For all of you who have been following Emily's story, here is the entry from around 3:00 p.m.:

Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever. I believe we got our miracle. Dr P prayed the prayer of St. Ignatius Loyola before he operated. He said surgery went great and he got everything. I asked if she could be cured? He said yes. He said the real miracle will be when the pathology is not cancer. I believe it will not be cancer. Thank you prayer warriors. Thank you Jesus, Blessed Mother, and all the present and future saints.

(I can't even believe that she had an internationally known surgeon WHO PRAYS BEFORE SURGERY!)

This one is from about 8:00 Central time:

Emily is doing fantastic. She can talk. I saw her tongue it looks beautiful. We still can't believe how God looked upon his daughter and granted her request. Please start praying prayers of thanksgiving. We are so blessed by God. Dr P seemed very happy.

Knowing that they don't have access to a computer for a regular email update from the hospital yet, I thought it was such wonderful news that I'd share these little snippets.

Praised Be Jesus Christ, Now and FOREVER!

1 comment:

  1. The beauty of the power of prayer. HOW WONDERFUL TO READ THIS POST - it brought tears to my eyes. We will continue to offer our prayers for a total healing and in thanksgiving for the miracles that have taken place.
