Sunday, January 3, 2010

Welcome to 2010

I can't say that I am that sad to see 2009 come to an end - it certainly had its ups and downs. However, we must always count our blessings and look forward to what God has in store for us in the future. What will 2010 bring? Whatever it brings, I just pray that we can be prepared to joyfully do the Lord's Will.

One thing I know for sure is in store for us, starting tomorrow, is getting back into the swing of school. Let's just say that with the whole moving thing and Christmas and New Year's, well...we've been off for awhile. I'm trying to mentally prepare myself to get back into school-mode.

While we were packing and unpacking, I had a chance to see all of my school-related books in one area and it was fun to get reacquainted with some of them. For the past two years, my school books and I have been in separate areas of the house, which really didn't lend itself to using them too often. Now, in our new house, all our books will be in the same room with us and I am looking forward to picking them up and utilizing them as the wonderful resources they are! Just thought I'd give you a peak of where we'll be "living" for the next 5 or 6 months (is that how long it is until summer???):

I'm excited to be in new surroundings and I'm hoping that they will help us to get through the dreaded February homeschooling slump!

Since I knew that we would be moving mid school year, I planned our curriculum with more self-directed type of books (aka workbooks) than I normally would. Now that we are settled, I'd really like to get back to doing some more unit studies. Once my brain gets back into gear and I figure out what they are going to be about, I'll post updates.

My other educational goals for the next few months are to get back to turning my organizational workshop into an ebook and working with my daughters on producing some Catholic based unit studies. God willing, we will be successful at this.

I pray that your new year and new semester will be a blessed one, too. I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of things, which will include being here on a more regular basis.