Recently the death of young people seems to keep crossing my path. The first time was not that long ago when reading about the horrific accident that Jennifer witnessed. I didn't know this young man, but when something like that happens, you just have to tell yourself that God has his reasons and you pray for all involved.
The next time was a bit closer to home. I did know the young man and his family from our former parish. He died unexpectedly, too. The family have been long time residents of the somewhat small town where the parish resides. The church and community have been there to support this family during their time of suffering. Another young life taken suddenly. Okay, Lord, You must have your reasons. We may not understand them, but I will continue to pray for that young man's soul and his family left here.
This third time, however, has rocked my world on a much deeper level and I admit that I really need to know why this time. This young lady was the younger sister of a friend I've known since first grade. I grew up with them. Their family was like a second family to me. This young woman was taken very unexpectedly and is leaving behind two middle-school aged daughters. She was a homeschooling mother, just like me. I just don't understand why, Lord. What are her two daughters to do now? When it hits closer to home, that natural instinct in me has to ask WHY? I know I probably won't get an answer to this one, and it is making it harder to deal with the situation.
Nonetheless, at times like these I am ever so thankful for my faith. Even if I can't know WHY, at least I have prayer and an understanding of the importance of suffering. At least I can turn to God and ask Him to bathe this wonderful family in His loving embrace and pray for the soul of my friend's sister. At least I can ask all of you to join me in praying for all of these people as they grieve their loss and for the souls of the three young people who have all died so suddenly. Trust me, though, this last one will end up on my list of questions to ask of the Lord if I'm given the chance!