Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Tea Cup Candles

Last week I had found this picture and post on Pintrest.  I repinned it because I thought these tea cups looked so neat and, even though I am NOT crafty, thought that maybe we could pull this off in time for Mother's Day.

I work better under pressure, so Friday afternoon I decided to throw this all together, knowing that I would not be home Friday evening and that we would all be gone all day Saturday.

I couldn't find the wicks at Wal Mart and that's the only place I had time to go so we bought a large pillar candle and cut it up, took out the wick and cut it into two pieces. 

I had found two pretty tea cups in a bin that was set to go to the garage sale pile so we go those cleaned up and ready to go.  Before I went out Friday, I set the wicks in the cup the way I saw in the directions and told Ms 20 yo what to do with the candle wax.  She took it from there and here is the final results:

They hardened over night and we were ready to wrap them by the time we left on Saturday.  The only thing that was hard about this project was the clean up because the wax was pretty much on everything.  It took a lot of hot water and scrubbing to get it off the pan and spoon.   

The kids gave these to their grandmas and they were a big hit.  If we can pull off a neat craft like this then anyone can.  I would highly recommend it for a nice little gift.