Monday, October 7, 2013

Catholic Woman's Almanac

Joining in over at Sucipio!

Moments of Gratitude:

* Finally we have some cooler weather which will make it much easier to breathe (I hope).  Our allergies have been HORRIBLE this past week so anything to make them better I will be grateful for.
* Rain.  We had a few days of it, and even a bit of thunder!  
* A break from a lot of things last week.
* A great deal on a used car for Ms 21 yo.
* Tasty chili and an awesome dessert

The Upcoming Week:

Hopefully this week will be a bit better than last since we don't have as many additional activities on the calendar.  Hopefully we will be able to spend some extra time catching up on school activities and wouldn't it be nice to even find  a bit of extra time in there to do something productive even!  I have three full bags of apples in my hallway just waiting for me to do something with them.

In the Kitchen:

Sunday's fare takes the prize for this week's meal excitement.  I had been discussing chili recipes with some friends a week or so ago and boy did that put a taste in my mouth for some good chili with all the fixins.  We got home from Mass on Sunday, put on our aprons

and in the span of two hours some of the girls and I made a pot of chili, a pan of corn bread, apple almond bars for dessert

some apple puree to try out for fruit leather and a nice, decorative fall candle for out table.  I know, it isn't food, but Ms 19 yo was creating our candle while we were cooking and baking.

 The rest of the week is rather mundane in the kitchen department.


I haven't really had time to ponder anything other than the current state of our country and the fact that nothing seems to surprise me anymore.  I was struck by a line from the first reading on Sunday that said, "For the vision still has its time, presses on to fulfillment, and will not disappoint; if it delays, wait for it, it will surely come, it will not be late."  I won't deny it, my first thought upon hearing that was the line from the Lord of the Rings when Gandolf says, "A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins, nor is he early.  He arrives precisely when he means to."  Since then, I've been thinking, "Ok, Lord, anytime now would be good for you to arrive."


* For the wisdom to discern God's will and the grace to do it, as we all know that the safest place to be is in God's will.
* For Courtney and Fulton.
* For our Pastor and all priests, that they always can do the will of the Lord.


Haven't done much of that, but I thought I'd mention that we are reading (slowly but surely) a book about St. Isaac Jogues to go along with our CCM studies.  I wish we could get through it faster, but alas, it hasn't happened yet.  


 Here's a sample of the candles that Ms 19 yo has been making.  These are so neat to look at.  We haven't burned one yet, but they sure do look pretty.  When she got the wax, she bought organic soy wax so I'm very excited about that, too.

God Bless!


  1. Lovely Almanac.
    I love that candle. Great idea in the small mason jars.
    Have a great week!

  2. What a splendid idea; I really should get my girls to a post-Sunday Mass kitchen routine.

    'Hope your allergy issues are resolved soon. God bless.
