Additional Information on Naming Babies
Yesterday some very thoughtful people told me about a way to memorialize those babies who have died before birth. There is a church in New York City that has a shrine to the unborn. The babies' names are entered into their Book of Life and once a month a Mass is said for all of these precious little souls. Here is what their website says:
Often children who have died before birth have no grave or headstone, and sometimes not even a name. At The Church of The Holy Innocents, we invite you to name your child(ren) and to have the opportunity to have your baby's name inscribed in our "BOOK OF LIFE".
Here, a candle is always lit in their memory. All day long people stop to pray. On the first Monday of every month, our 12:15pm Mass is celebrated in honor of these children and for the comfort of their families.
We pray that you will find peace in knowing that your child(ren) will be remembered at the Shrine and honored by all who pray here.
This is so nice! I signed up our three children right away. Since I was very excited to receive this information, I wanted to post it here in the event that other people might not know about this wonderful opportunity.