His homily was about the current state of our country and the world; appropriate for the Gospel about not worrying! He didn't hold much back and at one point got so into it that he stopped himself, took a deep breath and said, "I could use an AMEN right about now!" Of course, being the tight-lipped people that we Catholics are, no one said anything, but boy was I tempted!
It was an absolutely amazing homily for someone so young and un-ordained. It brought such hope to my heart to realize that this young man will one day soon be a priest. The lives that he will change!
I will leave you with something he told us. I'm not sure that the people took it to heart, but I'm hoping that they will do what he said, and that was to read, memorize and recall the following bible verse:
Galatians 6:10: "So then, while we have the opportunity, let us do good to all, but especially to those who belong to the family of the faith."
He was exhorting us to remember this verse; that when times get really bad, which they are likely to do in the not-too-distant future (and it's not just me saying that, btw), we are to remember that we must band together as people of faith and help one another - whether it be with food, or health issues, or housing or whatever. Help everyone, but especially those belonging to our family of faith. Tuck this verse away, and when the time comes, I hope that it will pop back into your mind and be put to good use :)