Friday, June 1, 2012

7 Quick Takes June 1, 2012

--- 1 ---

School is winding down around here for the summer and we're all very excited.  We have been doing US Geography this year with the youngest four students and we've now come to the final quiz of the year.  I was about to sit down and try to put together my own quiz when I was reminded by the Holy Spirit :) that someone else had probably already done that and was offering it for free somewhere!  Here is where I found it.  I'm sure glad that I didn't waste my time reinventing the wheel.

--- 2 ---

In order to put the link in the previous quick take I had to google it again.  As I was doing it I was thinking that I should somehow remember to use that site more often.  "OOOHHH," I thought, "that's what Pintrest is for, isn't it?"  I promptly pinned it to my homeschooling board.  Now I just have to remember to go back there and look at it.

--- 3 ---

I haven't put in a plug for my book "A Plan for Joy in the Home" lately, so if you're going/gone to the Minnesota home school conference, make sure you check your vendor bag for my flyer.  This summer would be a great time to work through the worksheets so that your next year can be organized and more peaceful.

--- 4 ---

Are you planning on going to the movies this weekend?  Friday is the opening of the movie "For Greater Glory" and I've heard wonderful things about it.  We are hoping to get a group together and go Saturday evening.  If it is around your area, I've heard it is worth your time and money.

--- 5 ---

This is an addition to my post from Thursday.  After I posted that I remembered that I also have known a fourth young man who died unexpectedly.  I was friend's with his mother back at the beginning of my reversion back to the faith.  She used to watch my small children so that I could go to adoration.  She also did a lot to help me build my faith so for that I am forever grateful.  A few weeks ago her oldest son died from an undiagnosed heart problem.  He is leaving behind a wife and young daughter. Please pray for his soul and his family left here.  Thanks.

--- 6 ---

If I could beg yet another prayer from you, good reader, it would be for a friend of mine who's son had another open heart surgery this past week.  He had his first one as a newborn when they discovered problems with his valves.  I haven't heard yet how he fared, but I know that many prayers will be appreciated by him and his family.  Thank you again!

--- 7 ---

We have a relatively low key weekend - only one party to go to!  Add in the movie on Saturday and the usual running around, however, and it won't end up being too quite.  Hope you have a relaxing, spirit-filled weekend.  Happy Holy Trinity Sunday.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!