Friday, June 22, 2012

7 Quick Takes June 22, 2012

--- 1 ---

Exciting news for the Catholic world.  I just read an email saying that the 
Pope is declaring St. John of Avila the 34th Doctor of the Church.  The email was advertising a new book about him and they did a good job because I want this book!  (this is not an affiliate link).  Just imagine living in a country that had both St. Teresa and St. John of the SAME time!  Those infidels didn't stand a chance.  We need some living saints like that in our country.  I'm sure they're out there somewhere....

--- 2 ---

While typing that last one I felt the Holy Spirit saying, "What's wrong with you?"  Ha...that is a tall order to fill.  As of right now I certainly do not fit the bill.  Anyone else???

--- 3 ---

As for ordering another book, I really should exhibit some self control because I already have two books that I would like to read this summer.  The first is "Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist" by Brant Pitre and the other is "Platform" by Michael Hyatt.  Hopefully I will get to both of them before long.  How about you?  What's on your summer reading list?

--- 4 ---

We are still plugging away at our exercise routine.  The problem is that we've had SO many parties to go to that I exercise during the week just to get rid of the weight I gained over the weekend.  By Friday I'm back down and then by Sunday night I'm back up and the whole darn thing starts all over again.  I know...if I just exercised some self control at all these parties, things wouldn't be so bad.  This is not likely to happen...see #2.

--- 5 ---

To help keep me motivated to exercise, I've been focusing my slalom water ski hanging out in the corner of the basement.  Oh how wonderful it would be to have a strong enough core to get back up on that thing.  My husband did it last year, however he has not carried 7 children in his abdominal area, so he has much more muscle to work with than I do.  I just envision myself trying to get up on that ski and pulling every muscle known to mankind.  But, with a little (or a lot) more work, maybe I can do it before I turn 50!

--- 6 ---

I'm going to be having a series of posts coming up where I give you a synopsis/review of each of the "Life of Fred" math books.  If you are contemplating which math series to use for your students, or if you are thinking about switching, you should seriously consider checking these books out.  I'll start next week talking about the newest books in the series for early elementary aged students. 

--- 7 ---

Finally, if you are taking a break for the summer and want to be much more organized for next school year, might I suggest reading "A Plan for Joy in the Home" now and being ready for the new year?  Kick back, enjoy the summer and get yourself ready to be on top of the game.  Have a great weekend!


For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!