Friday, March 1, 2013

7 Quick Takes March 1 2013

--- 1 ---

We got a bunch of these in an email this week and couldn't stop laughing.  I'm not sure who to give credit to, but these are hysterical.  Thought I'd start out this week's QT with a good laugh.
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I don't know about you, but we all kept stumbling over our petitions during the rosary Thursday evening.  This is sure going to take some getting used to.  For almost 8 years many of the kids have been praying for the Pope in their intentions, as well as on the first Our Father bead.  It kind of throws you off when you have to pause, remember to leave that all out and then figure out what you usually would say next.  I can't wait for Mass to see how many of the priests do the same thing.
--- 3 ---

On Thursdays after Mass we always stop at the grocery store to refill our gallon water bottles.  As I was driving our big, blue bus back home with the nine bottles in the back, I decided to make an attempt to stop, somewhat at the last minute, at a yellow light...completely forgetting about the nine gallons of water.  Well by the time we stopped completely, all nine gallons were up front with me, fortunately all still with their caps on.  My daughter looked at me and said, "It probably would have just been better to go through the yellow light."  Hmph.
--- 4 ---

To top it off, I got home and later in the morning saw an article on facebook about this mom whose young son ended up with major head injuries because of a sippy cup that became a projectile during a car accident.  The cup hit the boy in the head and did some major damage.  I immediately thought back to this morning and wondered what kind of damage a gallon water bottle could have done had it gone airborne?  From now on I think I'll run those yellows :)
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We are fortunate to have a relic of St. Mary Magdalene (her tibia I believe) coming to not one, but TWO, churches near us in the coming weeks.  The first time in next Thursday and we are going to participate in the prayers and veneration as well as a talk to be given to homeschoolers.  Should be quite an event.  I hope they'll allow us to take pictures so I can share them next week.  From what I've read, many miracles have taken place during these visits...and who couldn't use a miracle??
--- 6 ---

I'm thinking of this now because we've just been through this twice recently, but our homeschool group has been having Gregorian Masses said whenever someone's parent in our group dies (so far that is all we've had to experience is the death of a parent).  It is a beautiful way to perform a work of mercy and show support to our friend.  If you're not familiar with Gregorian Masses, you can get some information here.  This is the group that we sign up with, but I know there are other places that will do this also.
--- 7 ---

Our first of the Lenten birthdays is this weekend.  Ms 18 yo is making the move to Ms 19 yo, and we will celebrate in the usual way because, after all, it isn't her fault her birthday usually falls during Lent!  Other than that it is shaping up to be a somewhat quiet weekend.  Hope yours is a good one!

God Bless! 

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful family!!

  2. Love the comic at the top.
    I nominated your blog for a homeschooling blog award.
