Friday, August 15, 2008

Helpful Resources

I've been using all of my available brain power this week to get ready for the test run of a workshop I am putting together on how to organize your day. After tomorrow I will revise whatever needs to be revised and then put together a formal announcement about this workshop in the hopes of brining it to groups of women who find themselves running from crisis to crisis with no plan for how they would like their day to go.

Anyhow, I was putting together my list of resources that I have found helpful over the years and thought I that I would put them up here in case they can be helpful to anyone else. And if you wouldn't mind throwing up a prayer that this workshop goes well tomorrow, I and the seven women who have agreed to be my "guinea pigs", would sure appreciate it.

"In Conversation with God. Meditations for each day of the year" by Francis Fernandes - a 7 volume set.
Abandonment to Divine Providence" by Jean Pierre de Caussade

"Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence" by St. Claude de la Columbiere and Fr. Jean Baptiste Saint-Jure.

"A Mother's Rule of Life" by Holly Pierlot. Published by Sophia Institute Press

"How to Change Your Husband" by A Friend of Medjugorje available through Caritas of Birmingham

"Created to be His Help Meet" by Debi Pearl available through No Greater Joy Ministries - This is a Protestant publication, however I found it to be a life changing book.

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius - A silent retreat presented by the priests of Miles Christi. Check out the retreat schedule here.
God Bless!