Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I'm My Own Grandpa
Oh, many, many years agoWhen I was twenty-threeI was married to a widow
Who was pretty as can be
This widow had a grown-up daughter
Who had hair of red
My father fell in love with her
And soon the two were wed
This made my dad my son-in-law
And changed my very life
For my daughter was my mother
'Cause she was my father's wife
To complicate the matter
Though it really brought me joy
I soon became the father
Of a bouncing baby boy
This little baby then became
A brother-in-law to Dad
And so became my uncle
Though it made me very sad
For if he was my uncle
Then that also made him brother
Of the widow's grown-up daughter
WHo of course is my step-mother
I'm my own grandpa
I'm my own grandpa
It sounds funny I know
But it really is so
Oh, I'm my own grandpa
My father's wife then had a son
Who kept them on the run
And he became my grandchild
For he was my daughter's son
My wife is now my mother's mother
And it makes me blue
Because although she is my wife
She's my grandmother too
Now if my wife is my grandmother
Then I'm her grandchild
And every time I think of it
It nearly drives me wild
For now I have become
The strangest case you ever saw
As husband of my grandma
I am my own grandpa
The first thing I did after reading these lyrics was scratch my head and read them again to see if I could follow what the song writer was saying. There is a good exercise in logic here. The teacher in me is going to suggest that you take out a piece of paper and a pencil and map out this family tree. I haven't done it yet, but I'm sure it would look interesting.
Once I thought I had the song figured out, we watched the video and laughed, because there is a good amount of humor here - on the surface. The more I thought about it, though, I realized how sad of a commentary it is on the complications of divorce and remarriage that is running rampant in this country. I have to believe that there are probably many cases just as equally confusing as this one out there in the "real" world. All the more reason to preach to the world about the value in making marriage a covenant and not a contract. Yeah, you guessed it, another plug to go see "Fireproof". Believe me, you won't regret it. Let us continue to pray that our country can once again embrace the true idea of marriage - marriage between a man and a woman and "till death do us part".
God Bless!
Monday, September 29, 2008
"Fireproof" Part II
To make it easy on you, here is the link to the website that allows you to find the movie in a theater near you!
Want to check out even more cool stuff? The creators of the movie have another website that has marriage resources and shows how you can help support the movie. What I thought was neat was that even though it is a movie made by Protestants, they have a page dedicated specifically to Catholics.
When we were walking out of the movie I noticed two very young couples that were "dressed up" in teenage finery going towards the movie theater. I looked up at the marquee and wondered which of those movies (with names like "The House Bunny", "The Family that Preys Together" and "Righteous Kill") they were going to go see. I wanted to run to them and tell them not to waste their money on trash, but to spend it on something that might change their lives. Unfortunately, I'm still not bold enough to do something like that. Hopefully someday I will be able to.
So, do whatever you can to scrape up the time and money to go see this movie. I cannot stress this enough! See it and then tell everyone you know to do the same!
God Bless!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
County Fair Pie
1/2 cup butter or margarine, melted
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts
1 cup (6 ounces) semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup butterscotch or peanut butter chips
1 unbaked pastry shell (9 inches)
In a mixing bowl, beat the butter, sugar, flour, eggs and vanilla until well blended. Stir in nuts and chips. Pour into pie shell. Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour or until golden brown. Cool on a wire rack.
Yield: 6-8 servings
Friday, September 26, 2008
Jesus our Rock
It seems that I am constantly being attracted to blogs where the message is the same. Even though our personal world, and even the greater world, may be falling apart around us, somehow we need to find Jesus in all of it and cling to Him. He is the one who is working behind the scenes (sometimes WAY behind the scenes it seems) to make sure that everything in our lives goes according to His plan. I know myself that it is hard to remember that all the time, but God has been good in reminding me almost every day that I can't figure it all out - nor am I supposed to.
In these difficult times, I find it best to focus on the present moment, which is truly the only moment we have. As we learned about in our formation group today, God is the here and now; not the past and not the future. If God is here and now, why do I always find myself moving ahead to what might be. It is such a temptation for me to imagine what might lie ahead. If I am not paying attention, I find that it can truly consume a lot of my thoughts and can get me quite anxious and depressed. If I focus on the present moment and try to live fully in it, I find that I am much more joyful. If I look for Jesus in the present moment and cling to Him in all that I do, I know that I am much more joyful.
We don't know what lies ahead in the near future for our country. There is a lot of speculation out there as to what might be coming, but as we know, no one really knows, so the best thing that we can continue to do is pray and cling to Jesus our Rock.
God Bless!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Last Surviving Founding Member of NARAL
God Bless!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Declaration of Independence
So, when was the last time you read the Declaration of Independence? I would suggest that you take a moment of your free time to read it again. Read it slowly and take in what it is they are saying here. It truly is an incredible document.
Now, here is a picture of our first project on the American Revolution. My son took the proverbial bull by the horn and tackled his assignment in one day. I love it when they get so into a project. I have to say, again, that this NEVER happened when we were doing workbooks all the time. Part of the reason why, however, is because I never would take the time to let them do stuff like this because then we would fall behind on our workbook schedule. Well, anyway, here is my son's first diorama on the Battle of Bunker Hill. Notice the ship in the harbor off to the left and the Americans up on Bunker Hill on the back wall. The soldiers in front are the English.
God Bless!

Monday, September 22, 2008
A Wee Bit of Humor to Start Off the Week
Basic Baptist Bathroom
A very proper lady began planning a week’s camping vacation for her and her
Once written down she still was not comfortable
Dear Madam:
The B.C. is located nine miles from the campground in a beautiful grove of trees. I admit it is quite a distance if you are in the habit of going regularly. No doubt you will be pleased to know that it will seat 350 people at one time, and it is open on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday of each week. Some folks like to take their lunch and make a day of it.
It pains her very much not to be able to go more often.
We offer a very friendly campground.
God Bless!

Friday, September 19, 2008
Jack-O-Lantern Jumble
4 C Corn Chex cereal
4 C Rice Chex cereal
2 C salted peanuts
1/4 C butter
1/4 C peanut butter
2 1/4 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp garlic powder
2 cups candy corn
In a large bowl, combine the cereal and peanuts. In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine the butter, peanut butter, Worcestershire sauce, salt and garlic powder; cook and stir until butter and peanut butter are melted. Pour over cereal mixture and toss to coat. Spread onto a greased 15x10x1 baking pan. Bake at 250 degrees for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes. Cool; stir in candy corn. Store in an air tight container. Enjoy!
God Bless! And have a peaceful and restful Sunday
Mushrooms, Health and Prayers
I always have to shake my head when the new how-to-make-yourself-feel-great craze passes through our homeschool group. You never know what it is going to be. Some of the things I have tried for a while and others I know I could never do, like sprouting things in my kitchen and then eating them. I actually can't believe I am willing to try mushroom water! I did have a sample of it a few weeks back and it wasn't too bad. At the time I had a cold, and it actually made me feel better faster. I also felt a burst of energy after drinking it. Well, now I am growing it in my kitchen. We'll see what happens.
I've been getting a leading Natural Health Dr.'s newsletters lately, too. Talk about making you afraid of everything. At times it gets downright depressing to learn about all of the things that are killing me or causing my body to be growing some type of cancer. Mixed in among those stories are blurbs about all of the different vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc that your body isn't getting but that it needs so that you can stay healthy - that is if you can continually dodge the electro-magnetic radiation that is constantly bombarding you.
Add to that reading the Catholic blogs and websites that keep telling us about the horrible state of our world and you have to wonder what is a person supposed to do? When I was on retreat this past July, Father said that the best way to prepare for battle is to pray. The other day Dr. Mark Miravalle said we need to go to daily Mass, pray the family rosary and go to frequent confession. We can't physically change a lot of things in this world that are harming us, but we can certainly increase our prayers and beg for mercy - and hopefully a little Kombucha won't hurt, either! Cheers.
God Bless!

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Hanging up the Clothes
One way we have chosen to cut back in these difficult times is to finally put up a clothes line. I know it is late in the clothes-hanging season, but at least I can save on a few less trips through the propane-eating dryer!
What I didn't expect from this change was the enthusiasm that my children expressed about actually hanging up wet clothes! Yesterday, due to much rain over the past week, was the first day we could hang our laundry and they actually were arguing about who would hang it up. After we "ironed out" the details as to who would actually be doing the hanging, some of the other kids felt it was necessary to go outside and watch while the laundry got hung :)
Amazing. I hope they keep up their enthusiasm. Today when they hung up the towel load they even organized it so that like items were hanging in the same area. My organizing genes must have gotten into some of them at least! I wish I would have thought to take a picture!
So often we think that by removing material things from the lives of our children we will be causing them pain and heartache, when in reality, maybe they can deal with it better than we can as adults. I know that my kids aren't really all that attached to the dryer, but it still amazed me how excited they were about the change. Maybe we should look to our children to see how they deal with change. We might just learn something.
God Bless!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Join the Monks for Coffee
My husband is an avid coffee lover. He doesn't drink coffee just to stay awake. He drinks coffee because he enjoys it. It could be 95 degrees and humid and he'll sit down with a good, strong cup of coffee. I can't understand that! He originally heard about Mystic Monk coffee through advertisements on Relevant Radio. He decided to try some out and now we are hooked. It is great coffee.
I am not a devoted coffee fan. I'm more like an occasional fan of coffee in that my tastes run in spurts. If I drink coffee, more often than not it is to help me stay awake. Lately I have been in a coffee drinking mood, so I asked my husband to get me some flavored decaf coffee for my birthday. He chose the Mystic Monk Chocolate Cherry decaf blend. This is what coffee should taste like. Not just a drink, but a dessert! I am really enjoying this flavor. I also noticed that they have chocolate raspberry, too. I think that one will be next.
So, now I am offering you an opportunity to help the Monks and enjoy a really good cup of coffee. All you have to do is to click on the big link on my sidebar and it will take you to their website where you can browse your choices. Every time you buy some coffee, you will know that you are helping the Carmelite Monks in their good works. It's not often you can indulge yourself AND feel good about it! Go ahead, give it a try!
God Bless!

Monday, September 15, 2008
Potty Training 101
I have had a child in diapers every day for the past 16 1/2 years. If one was moving on to big kid pants, then there was a baby right behind him or her in diapers just to make sure we didn't break our long standing tradition. Had I known then how long I would have to be buying diapers, I think it would have been fun to see how many packages of diapers I bought and how much it cost me. On second thought, maybe I don't want to know. I probably could have paid off my house by now.
Anyhow, I just don't understand why peer pressure alone hasn't caused him to give in and go on the potty. You would think with all his brothers and sisters telling him about how big kids go on the potty, how they go on the potty, how only little babies go in their diapers, that he would give in and go. He is such a laid back little boy that none of it really matters much to him. Maybe I will appreciate that trait when he is older and faced with peer pressure, but I am not appreciating it now.
In addition to peer pressure, we have tried bribes - from candy to trips with mom to sleepovers. We have tried a sticker chart. We have tried the power of prayer. We have tried joking about it with him and we have gotten frustrated with him; all to no-avail. This kid is one tough nut to crack. The only time he has been consistent in telling us that he has to go to the bathroom is during the family rosary and at Mass. HHHMMM. Oh well, maybe he knows that he probably is my last little one and he just doesn't want to rush out of this phase for fear of upsetting me!
Oh well, 16 1/2 years...and still counting.
God Bless!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Pulled Pork Sandwiches
I take my shoulder roasts (at least two of them for our size family) and cook them in my roaster at 250 degrees until they are falling apart. You could do it in a slow cooker if you have a big enough one. After that you pull the pork apart (thus the name:) and put it into a pot - if you need to heat it up quickly - or into the slow cooker - if you have time to let the pork sit in the BBQ sauce. I like to mix K.C. Masterpiece BBQ sauce with some honey and then pour it all over the pork, mix it together and then let it sit in the slow cooker for a couple of hours. That's it! When you are ready for dinner, slap some on a bun (or on a plate if you can't eat wheat, like me!) and there you have it. So easy and oh so good. Can't you just taste the lightly tangy taste of that tender pork right now?????
God Bless and have a peaceful and restful Sunday!

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Enter into the Battle for our Nation - Part II
God Bless!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Enter into the Battle for our Nation
We have a little less than two months to help swing that decision in favor of the culture of life. I think that it is imperative that we take on the challenge to learn about what our country stood for when it was created and what it should still stand for today, as well as to join in a Rosary crusade to help bring the culture of life back to our great nation.
My daughter found a website that I can't seem to find right now, referencing the battle of Lepanto which took place in 1571. It was a battle between the mighty Turkish fleet and the smaller Christian European fleet. Pope St. Pius V, seeing that the battle was unequal, called on the faithful to pray the rosary for the Christians in battle and for their success against the Turks. On October 7, 1571, the battle was won against the Turks.
We find ourselves in the same battle today. We, the Christians of this nation, are fighting the larger "fleet" of the culture of death movement. By praying the rosary between now and election day, we too can have an impact on how this battle turns out. I have come across differently worded intentions for this rosary, but essentially we should pray that, through the intercession of Mary Immaculate, Patroness of the USA, God will grant us a President and Vice President that will uphold the culture of life and bring back the Christian values of faith and family that this country was founded on. If you begin this novena of rosaries tomorrow, you can turn it into a 54 day rosary novena - 3 novenas (or 27 days) of petition and 3 novenas (27 more days) of thanksgiving. May God have mercy on us and on our country.
God Bless!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Elusive Creativity Gene
So let's do some jumping around here. Last year at the Sandwich Fair, my eldest daughter (who has definitely inherited the creative genes) won a number of ribbons for her photography. In addition to that, this picture

received another award called the "People's Choice Award". Unbeknown to us, you can go and vote for your favorite photo (not easy to do when there are at least five hundred pictures!) and the photo with the most votes wins the extra award.
So this year we were ready (jump ahead - and in a sense backwards - to last Friday night). We decided we would all go in and vote - one vote from each of us for my Jesus picture and one vote from each of us for this picture taken by the aforementioned daughter

God Bless!

Sunday, September 7, 2008
On Your Birthday, Mother
Glancing 'round with it's fiery might.
Away with the darkness!
Now enter the light!
The light of the sun,
The light of your face,
The light of the candles
That dance on your cake.
The light of the joy,
that beams from the smiles,
On your children's small faces
from over the years and the miles.
The light of God's love,
the light of your family and friends.
Who shall always be there,
Until your life ends.
The light of your works,
the light of your life,
Shining forth from your duties
as a mother and wife.
The light from your heart;
it shines like a fire
Of devotion to God above,
It sings like a choir.
As your children who love you,
We see always your light,
when you tuck us in bed
and you wish us "good-night".
When you scold us for trouble,
we see the light of your wrath:
when we throw temper tantrums
in the middle of our math.
But shinning below emotions
is always the light of your love,
comforting and guiding us;
Reflecting God above.
You help us and warm us
with your undying light,
burning for us and for God,
Ev'ry day, ev'ry night.
We love our dear mother
with a fire that burns
brightly, hiding,
but off, never turned.
May this special day be filled
with the light of grace and of joy,
And the happiness and charity
of your girls and your boys.
We love you!
The Lights of Your Life

Friday, September 5, 2008
Novena to the Mother of Sorrows through the intercession of St. Peregrine
The first is named Emilie. She is a young mother of two children - a two year old and a two month old. When Emilie was pregnant this last time, she learned that she has a very aggressive type of cancer. Although she is full of hope, she may have as little as six months to live.
The second is named Lindsey. Just after she was married two years ago, Lindsey had to have a radical hysterectomy to fight ovarian cancer. Now the cancer has returned to her liver and pancreas. Both of these women need miracles in order to survive.
I want to invite anyone who is interested in joining us to begin the novena on Sunday, September 7th. The novena would end on the feast day of Our Lady of Sorrows, September 15th. In addition to praying for the two mothers listed above, you could also pray for anyone else that you know who is suffering from cancer. Here is the novena prayer:
O my dearest Mother Mary, Mother of Sorrows, behold me, your child, in prayer. I have come to plead for this special favor through the intercession of your faithful servant, St. Peregrine. (Mention your request.)
O Sorrowful Mother, I beg you to present my petition to your Divine Son. If you will pray for me, I cannot be refused. I know, dearest Mother, that you want me to seek God's will in all things. Therefore, with childlike trust I abandon myself to God's Holy Will concerning my request. If what I ask for should not be granted, pray that I may receive that which will be of greater benefit to my soul.
Mother of Sorrows, I love you! I put all my confidence in you, because your prayers before God are most powerful. For the greater glory of God and through the intercession of St. Peregrine, whom you have led to sainthood, hear and grant my prayer. Amen.
Thank you for joining us in this spiritual work of mercy.
God Bless!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Fair Part II - My Photography Contest Saga
Now fast forward to this past April when I had the opportunity to take pictures for the Little Flowers Dance and Theatre Troupe's performance of "The Seven Last Words". These pictures turned out so good that people kept telling me that I should take pictures professionally. I kept insisting that it was a fluke. How could I be a professional photographer if I can't even win a blue ribbon at the Sandwich Fair?? They didn't understand that the Holy Spirit was the one who took these pictures, not me. I'm not trying out the false humility, thing, either. I was simply the tool used to showcase this incredible performance.
So now I have my proof. This year I entered two of my favorite pictures from the 7LW performance and I finally won a blue ribbon. Thus backing up my claim that I - myself - am not that great of a photographer. When I allow my camera to be used by the Holy Spirit - well, that's a different story. I entered this picture in the "Famous People" category :)
God Bless!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
It's Fair Week
This year there were six of us entering projects in all kinds of categories like sewing, photography, collections, baking, model building, crocheting and knitting. We usually go on Wednesday morning to check out all of our projects and see if anyone has won any ribbons. It was a close one this morning, but everyone has gotten at least one ribbon so far. Some of the categories weren't done being judged before we had to leave for the afternoon. This evening we will return for one of the highlights of the fair - the fiddle contest. We have two friends who always compete and who are fabulous fiddlers. We love to listen to them and they usually place in the top five, with one of them usually getting either first or second place.
I think that this fair is as good or better than the State Fair itself! There is so much stuff to see and so many things to do that it takes us a few days to go through everything. We like to go and look at all of the livestock - the cows, pigs, sheep, goats and my personal favorite, the chickens. This morning we also got to see the Jr. Jr. (under 13) barrel racing.
The fair goes through Sunday, so if you live close by and have never been, we would highly recommend checking it out!
God Bless!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Physics Fun
God Bless!