Now fast forward to this past April when I had the opportunity to take pictures for the Little Flowers Dance and Theatre Troupe's performance of "The Seven Last Words". These pictures turned out so good that people kept telling me that I should take pictures professionally. I kept insisting that it was a fluke. How could I be a professional photographer if I can't even win a blue ribbon at the Sandwich Fair?? They didn't understand that the Holy Spirit was the one who took these pictures, not me. I'm not trying out the false humility, thing, either. I was simply the tool used to showcase this incredible performance.
So now I have my proof. This year I entered two of my favorite pictures from the 7LW performance and I finally won a blue ribbon. Thus backing up my claim that I - myself - am not that great of a photographer. When I allow my camera to be used by the Holy Spirit - well, that's a different story. I entered this picture in the "Famous People" category :)
God Bless!