I ran a couple of posts this week about wonderful products you can buy and/or sell that will help women around the world. I also received info on a few other groups that I would like to mention. You can click on the links and check them out. The first is Mercy Covers: "Mercy Covers is an initiative of the St. Bryce Foundation with a two-fold purpose, providing meaningful work and discipleship for women in rural Costa Rica while gifting hand-made quilts to orphans and trafficking victims. "
The other one I was sent was for Made by Survivors, which is "an international nonprofit organization which employs and educates survivors of slavery and other human rights abuses, including many women and children living in extreme poverty." Lots of good stuff to check out. It is mind boggling to realize how many women and children are victims of trafficking and abuse. We truly do lead a sheltered life in this country.
I mentioned this in my newsletter this week and I'll mention it here, too. I am currently updating my Catholic Owned Companies page on my homeschooling website, so if you or anyone you know has a Catholic company or product and would like to advertise on my site, just contact me here. It's only $10 per year and there are many perks!
Any woman who lives in the Chicagoland area and is interested in an Advent retreat, there is an opportunity coming up SOON, December 7-9th, at Marytown in Libertyville: The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius preached by the wonderful priests of Miles Christi. You can go here for information and to register.
Here is a wonderful dress made by a friend of Ms 20 yo.
The two of them are in business together and Ms 9 yo was the wonderful recipient of one of their first dresses. It might be too late for Christmas, but never too late to get "Your Little Princess" a wonderful custome-made dress :) You can check out their site here.
Since I'm on a huge roll here with Quick Takes that have links in them, why not continue...If you're counting down the minutes until Christmas break because your day just doesn't go as smoothly as you'd like it, why not consider checking out my book "A Plan for Joy in the Home"? It is just what you need to get your second semester off to a great start. Order it now through December 8th and receive FREE SHIPPING!!! Can't beat that, can ya? Consider getting one to give as a gift, too :)
So thats that. No more links. Just a few words to wish you a great weekend and a blessed First Sunday of Advent. Get those wreaths out, pray the St. Andrew Christmas Novena (ha, I lied, I just put another link in :) and make it a great liturgical time!
God Bless!
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!