Monday, October 15, 2012

Catholic Woman's Almanac

Joining with the lovely women over at Sucipio!

Moments of Gratitude:

* An incredible dinner made by some friends on Saturday.  Their company was wonderful, too!
* A son who serves Mass with much reverence.
* Daughters who sing beautifully.
* A husband who listens patiently.

Beauty in the Ordinary:

Teaching the kids this morning.  Sometimes they just have such profound things to say about what we are learning.

In the Kitchen:

We're baking bread and just finished making Texas brownies.  The salmon will be grilled later and the vegies steamed.  All this is in preparation for our pastor who is coming for dinner before we head off to our annual homeschool group Mass that he will be saying for us.  The rest of the week just pales in comparison.

Looking Forward:

To another field trip this week.  This time to hear a local college's symphony orchestra.  I can't wait to close my eyes and revel in the music.  I used to play the violin so I've always loved a good symphony.


So much right now.  Our family, our needs, our country, so many others who are hurting and fighting illnesses that I can't even imagine fighting.  There is much knee time here.


I'm almost finished with "I Believe in Love" and I cannot tell you how profound this book is.  It was my time to read it and it has been profound.  I just hope I can remember all of the treasures it contained :)


What it is that God wants me to do next.  I feel like I'm on the edge of something (other than insanity, of course :) and I'm looking forward to finding out what it is so that I can get going!


God Bless!


  1. Laura, It's a great gift to have a listening husband..thank goodness I have one of those too!
    And Texas brownies...Wow. What could those be about : ) +

  2. Love your pic, BTW! You have a lot of blessed things going on this week. God must have something planned and is waiting for the right!

    Have blessed days this are off to a great start!

  3. I have tried a couple of times to read I Believe in Love and each time it has not been my time. Maybe I'll pick it up again and see if it is now.
