Invite the angels to adore God with you. Cheerfully obey the inspirations of your guardian angel and of your conscience. Holy Guardian Angel, never let me forget that you are always with me.
Bible Verse:
If possible, so far as it depends upon you, live peaceably with all.
O Antiphon:
O King of nations and their Desired, The Cornerstone who make all one: come and save our race, whom you formed out of clay. Amen.
Advent Activities:
Today was choir practice for the girls and Christmas card assembly for all of us! This evening, my hubby and I will spend wrapping presents. I thank the Lord for the sun today and for the quiet day to prepare and to pray. There is so much suffering in the world that it can be overwhelming to think about it. I am so appreciative of these days where I'm not under a lot of pressure to get stuff done so that I can ponder things and pray for the people I know who are suffering.
God Bless!