Monday, April 22, 2013

Catholic Woman's Almanac

Moments of Gratitude:

* A sunny day...finally
* Very little water in our basement this past week
* A good job for Ms 19 yo
* Time to chat with friends
* A great talk at our monthly night of recollection on the virtue of "eutrapelia" (sounds like a future blog post, doesn't it??)
* Some good desserts this past week 
* Playing basketball with Mr 12 yo

In the Kitchen:

This week we have on deck American Spaghetti (which is something my great grandmother used to make during the depression.  Basically it is pasta, diced tomatoes, bacon and onions with pepper and sugar to taste.  We like to sprinkle Parmesan cheese on it, too), chili, turkey soup and this wonderful chicken/wild rice/lots of good vegies and Feta cheese dish that we make. 

The Week Ahead:

Remember that tea room I was going to go to last week?  Well, we didn't get to go because that was the day the heavens opened and now the tea room is quite possibly still under water because the town it is in is underwater.  We'll see what happens.  Also in this week's lineup is a lot of driving, packing up our soap order for the latest fundraiser, getting shoes for Mr 8 yo for his Communion, finalizing (hopefully) the plans on where our big party is going to be and many other miscellaneous items that need to get done!


For those in Boston, Texas and now those in China who died or were injured in an earthquake.  For many other people who are experiencing extreme difficulties in their lives.  Really, all this heavy stuff makes praying for good weather for our party seem so petty, but yeah, I'm praying for that too.


Fr. John's talk on "eutrapelia" (how's that for a teaser!)


Proof that Spring will come, irregardless of the crazy temperatures.  God is good!

God Bless!