Thursday, December 19, 2013

Advent Daybook - Day 19


We had a nice revolving door kind of day around here today.  Finally, the door was opening and closing with people coming in and out instead of us being the ones going through it.  We got a visit from my mom and dad, from a friend of the girls that they haven't seen in a number of years and from one of my friends who bought some soap and dropped off bags of clothing! 

Our most anticipated visitor, however, was the water filter man!  Those of you who have a well that reeks of sulfur will know what I am talking about.  About every year and a half our sulfur filter clogs up and we need to get a new one.  When this happens we have to bypass the filter in order for water to actually come out of the faucets, and you know what that means?  Yep, showers and dishes and brushing your teeth with that horrid, rotten egg smell.  It really is enough to make you gag (and often does).  We were so excited to see him pull up the driveway today!  No more smelly water - thank you Lord!


Every year we put together a Christmas letter and send it out with a family picture set to arrive right after Christmas day.  Well, it is a week before that day and there isn't a letter.   In fact, there isn't even a hint of a letter.  I have been totally uninspired this year.  I usually like to have the letter be light-hearted and humorous so we've always tried to change it up a bit - just to keep people on their toes.  Well, this year they'll be on their toes peering into their mail boxes trying to find it unless some inspiration hits me in the head very soon!


 O Root of Jesse, you stand for the ensign of all mankind; before you kings shall keep silence and to you all nations shall have recourse.  Come, save us, and do not delay!

God Bless!