Thursday, December 5, 2013

Advent Daybook Day 5


My nose has rebelled and is causing me quite a bit of bother today.  Seems I finally caught the head cold that some of the others around here have had already.  I was really hoping to avoid it, but alas, that seems not to be the case.  I am grateful that it is only a head cold as I've heard many others complaining of much worse!  Looks like it's an afternoon on the couch with my Kleenex box and my Scrooge photos.



This awesome song is what has been going through my mind for the past three days.  One of the dances (yes, our director/playwright puts dances in her productions.  It actually makes for a very nice viewing experience; instead of a musical, it's a dancical) from Scrooge, done by a very talented young lady who played the ghost of Christmas future, did a dance to this song.  

Also this:

the new episode of Hope's Cafe.  This was a funny one.


Today both my spirit and my flesh are weak!  We did make it to Mass this morning and Father asked us to think about what type of foundation we are building our spiritual house on.  Will our foundation fall apart at the first sign of adversity?  If so, it is not built on Jesus Christ.  

Praying for some family members who have recently had surgeries as well as many prayer requests that have come through the mom facebook groups I'm a part of.  Always a lot to offer up our sufferings for!

God Bless!