Monday, December 16, 2013

Advent Daybook - Days 14, 15 and 16 !!


So I'm a bit behind right now :)  The snow on Saturday caused us to miss going to our nephew's college graduation, but thanks to modern technology, we go to watch it live via the internet!  Later in the day, after the snow was cleared and our path made straight, we made good on our St. Nicholas day gift and went to go see "The Hobbit".  Having never read the book (I know, I know) I thought it was good.  My children, and even my hubby, on the other hand were mostly disappointed.  

Sunday brought another day of changed plans which allowed us to stay home; not a bad thing by any means.  It was frigid outside so we stayed in and made pizzas and watched "A Muppet Christmas Carol", which is always a favorite.  Having just done "A Christmas Carol" with our theater troupe, it was funny to think of our friends as Muppets.

Today we dashed out the door to go to Mass, in fact we were even a few minutes ahead of schedule, only to find out that an interior light had been left on in the van and so it wouldn't start.  Ugh.  That meant two people had to stay home, the rest of us jumped in the small car and made it by the first reading.  Some day we will be ahead of the game.

Once back home, Mr 13 yo and I had a quick lesson on how to use a battery charger/starter to start the car.  By the time we were done, we were both a bit frozen.  Getting it started, however, allowed me to go out later in the day and finish my Christmas shopping...or so I thought.  I showed the family a gift I had bought for someone and they all agreed it wouldn't fit so back to the store I go.  SO CLOSE....


We were discussing reading the classics last night at dinner so after the meal I went and pulled a few that I had from high school off of the shelf.  I had remembered reading "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck and vaguely remembered it was a good book, so I sat down last night and finished it in about 2 hours (it's pretty short).  I remembered correctly - it was a good book.  So many important lessons in there that I'm encouraging all my older kids to read it.  I kept thinking "lottery ticket" instead of "Pearl of the World".  


I can't believe it is time for the O Antiphons already.  Christmas, as my younger kids keep reminding me, is just around the corner.  Time to figure out when we're going to get to confession!  There's just too many of us to go before Mass on Sunday or in that half hour on Saturday.  Our parish has confessions after the morning Mass, but Mass is at 8 and it is 25 minutes away. I think, however, that that might be our only option.  Nothing like a good confession to prepare our hearts and minds for Christmas.

God Bless!