Friday, December 6, 2013

Advent Daybook Day 6


Happy Feast of St. Nicholas!  Happy First Friday!  Happy Baptismal Feast Day to Ms 15 yo!

What is on my agenda for this glorious day?  Blowing my nose, taking a nap, drinking hot beverages, taking a nap and blowing my nose.

What was supposed to be on my agenda for this glorious day?  Grocery shopping, Christmas gift organizing, soap wrapping, dessert planning for this evening.  Oh well, it will all get done either by someone else or on a different day.


Thinking and feeling bad about how I botched a whole bunch of things yesterday.  For example, let's just say that one special kid was missing their candy this morning because somehow I forgot about that one kind.  Don't you just hate when that happens???  DH had to do the shopping for me and I emailed him the list but I forgot to write that one down.  This is precisely why the tooth fairy stopped visiting here a long time ago, because I blew it so many times and felt so horrible about it that it was easier to just hand them the money when the tooth fell out :)  Fortunately for me everyone was good with it.  Don't worry, though, St. Nicholas will be back next year in top form!


On top of the three things I listed at the beginning of this post, the Mass this morning was for my father-in-law.  I felt bad missing it but I just couldn't get myself moving that early today.  Fortunately most of the kids made it, so while I might not have been there in body with the rest of them, I was there in spirit.

God Bless!